91 research outputs found

    Ontology-based Chatbot to Support Monitoring of Server Performance and Security By Rule-base

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    The server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". Generally, server computers have many resources that can be used by one or more clients through the network with specific permissions and requirements. Therefore, the server needs a monitoring system that can monitor server activity and notify if problems occur. This research focuses on developing a notification and question and answer system to connect the network admin with the monitoring system via chatbot. The developed chatbot can send notifications to the admin if an error occurs and can answer questions about the server's condition. The question and answer system developed implements natural language processing for Indonesian. The process of understanding questions is by classifying each word (token) based on language knowledge stored in the ontology. Then the classification results are processed by rule-base to produce conclusions to take monitoring data and compiled into answers. The test results show that the developed system can auto-notify if any problem in a server, and can answer questions by accuracy 95%

    Ant Colony Optimization on Crowdsourced Delivery Trip Consolidation

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    Common practice in crowdsourced delivery services is through direct delivery. That  is by dispatching direct trip to a driver nearby the origin location. The total distance can be reduced through multiple pickup and delivery by increasing the number of requests in a trip.The research implements exact algorithm to solve the consolidation problem with up to 3 requests in a trip. Greedy heuristic is performed to construct initial route based on highest savings. The result is then optimized using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). Four scenarios are compared. A direct delivery scenarios and three multiple pickup and delivery scenarios. These include 2-consolidated delivery, 3-consolidated delivery, and 3-consolidated delivery optimized with ACO. Four parameters are used to evaluate using Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). These include the number of trips, total distance, total duration, and security concerns.The case study is based on Yogyakarta area for a whole day. The final route optimized with ACO shows 178 requests can be completed in 94 trips. Compared to direct delivery, consolidation can provides savings up to 20% in distance and 14% in duration. The evaluation result using AHP shows that ACO scenario is the best scenario.

    Text Summarization in Multi Document Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Automatic text summarization is a representation of a document that contains the essence or main focus of the document. Text summarization is automatically performed using the extraction method. The extraction method summarizes by copying the text that is considered the most important or most informative from the source text into a summary [1]. Documents can be divided into two types, namely single documents and multi documents. Multi document is input that comes from many documents from one or more sources that have more than one main idea.This study aims to summarize the text using a Genetic Algorithm by paying attention to the extraction of text features on each chromosome. The feature extraction used is sentence position, positive keywords, negative keywords, similarity between sentences, sentences containing entity words, sentences containing numbers, sentence length, connections between sentences, the number of connections between sentences. The number of chromosomes used is half of the number of public complaints. The data used is data on public complaints against the DIY government from February 2018 to July 2020. The data is obtained from the e-lapor DIY website. From the test results, the average value of Precision 1, Recall is 0.71, and f-measure value is 0.79

    Ant Colony Optimization on Crowdsourced Delivery Trip Consolidation

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    Common practice in crowdsourced delivery services is through direct delivery. That  is by dispatching direct trip to a driver nearby the origin location. The total distance can be reduced through multiple pickup and delivery by increasing the number of requests in a trip. The research implements exact algorithm to solve the consolidation problem with up to 3 requests in a trip. Greedy heuristic is performed to construct initial route based on highest savings. The result is then optimized using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). Four scenarios are compared. A direct delivery scenarios and three multiple pickup and delivery scenarios. These include 2-consolidated delivery, 3-consolidated delivery, and 3-consolidated delivery optimized with ACO. Four parameters are used to evaluate using Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). These include the number of trips, total distance, total duration, and security concerns. The case study is based on Yogyakarta area for a whole day. The final route optimized with ACO shows 178 requests can be completed in 94 trips. Compared to direct delivery, consolidation can provides savings up to 20% in distance and 14% in duration. The evaluation result using AHP shows that ACO scenario is the best scenario

    Topic Modeling on Online News.Portal Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

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    The amount of News displayed on online news portals. Often does not indicate the topic being discussed, but the News can be read and analyzed. You can find the main issues and trends in the News being discussed. It would be best if you had a quick and efficient way to find trending topics in the News. One of the methods that can be used to solve this problem is topic modeling. Theme modeling is necessary to allow users to easily and quickly understand modern themes' development. One of the algorithms in topic modeling is the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). This research stage begins with data collection, preprocessing, n-gram formation, dictionary representation, weighting, topic model validation, topic model formation, and topic modeling results.            Based on the results of the topic evaluation, the. The best value of topic modeling using coherence was related to the number of passes. The number of topics produced 20 keys, five cases with a 0.53 coherence value. It can be said to be relatively stable based on the standard coherence value

    Sentiment Analysis of Novel Review Using Long Short-Term Memory Method

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    The rapid development of the internet and social media and a large amount of text data has become an important research subject in obtaining information from the text data. In recent years, there has been an increase in research on sentiment analysis in the review text to determine the polarity of opinion on social media. However, there are still few studies that apply the deep learning method, namely Long Short-Term Memory for sentiment analysis in Indonesian texts.This study aims to classify Indonesian novel novels based on positive, neutral and negative sentiments using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method. The dataset used is a review of Indonesian language novels taken from the goodreads.com site. In the testing process, the LSTM method will be compared with the Naïve Bayes method based on the calculation of the values of accuracy, precision, recall, f-measure.Based on the test results show that the Long Short-Term Memory method has better accuracy results than the Naïve Bayes method with an accuracy value of 72.85%, 73% precision, 72% recall, and 72% f-measure compared to the results of the Naïve Bayes method accuracy with accuracy value of 67.88%, precision 69%, recall 68%, and f-measure 68%

    Review implementation of linguistic approach in schema matching

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    Research related schema matching has been conducted since last decade. Few approach related schema matching has been conducted with various methods such as neuron network, feature selection, constrain based, instance based, linguistic, and so on. Some field used schema matching as basic model such as e-commerce, e-business and data warehousing. Implementation of linguistic approach itself has been used a long time with various problem such as to calculated entity similarity values in two or more schemas. The purpose of this paper was to provide an overview of previous studies related to the implementation of the linguistic approach in the schema matching and finding gap for the development of existing methods. Futhermore, this paper focused on measurement of similarity in linguistic approach in schema matching

    Evaluasi Kualitas Perangkat Lunak dengan Metrics Berorientasi Objek

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    Pengembangan perangkat lunak berorientasi objek membutuhkan pendekatan yang berbeda dengan pengembangan perangkat lunak terstruktur. Perbedaan tersebut terdapat pada tahap desain, implementasi, dan evaluasi kualitas perangkat lunak tersebut. Dengan demikian, dibutuhkan metrics yang berbeda dengan traditional metrics untuk melakukan evaluasi kualitas perangkat lunak tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini akan diajukan enam buah object oriented matrics. Keenam metrics tersebut memiliki sudut pandang yang terkait dengan faktor-faktor kualitas perangkat lunak. Dengan demikian, metrics tersebut dapat digunakan untuk melakukan evaluasi kualitas perangkat lunak berorientasi objek dari beberapa faktor kualitas yang terkait., sehingga dapat menjadi rekomendasi bagi pengguna proyek peranhkat lunak dan pembaca dalam melakukan penelitian tentang evaluasi kualitas perangkat lunak berorientasi object maupun penggunaan matrics yang dikembangkan


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    Automatic Question Generation (AQG) adalah sistem yang dapat membangkitkan pertanyaan secara otomatis dari teks atau dokumen dengan menggunakan metode atau pola-pola tertentu. Diharapkan sistem AQG yang dikembangkan bekerja seperti halnya manusia membuat pertanyaan setelah diberikan suatu teks. Manusia dapat membuat pertanyaan, dikarenakan manusia dapat memahami teks yang diberikan dan berdasarkan pengetahuanpengetahuan yang dimilikinya. Untuk mengembangkan sistem AQG penelitian ini, dilakukan kombinasi beberapa metode diantaranya algoritme Naive Bayes Classifier untuk mengklasifikasikan kalimat ke dalam jenis kalimat non-factoid. Chunking labelling untuk memberikan label pada masing-masing kalimat dari hasil klasifikasi dan pendekatan template untuk mencocokan hasil kalimat dengan template pertanyaan yang dibuat. Hasil pertanyaan yang dihasilkan oleh sistem akan diukur berdasarkan paramater yang telah ditentukan yang didasarkan atas pengukuran recall, precision dan F-Measure. Dengan adanya sistem AQG ini diharapkan dapat membantu guru mata pelajaran Biologi untuk membuat pertanyaan secara otomatis dan efektif serta efisien
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